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About Bryan Ellis

Born and raised in Sarasota, Florida, Bryan’s favorite part of his job is seeing the wave of emotional relief sweep over his clients when they file bankruptcy. He is the son of two local bankruptcy attorneys, whose mentorship has given him a solid understanding of the law.

6 FAQs About Chapter 13

While you can find a lot of information about Chapter 13 on the internet, sometimes you just need some answers quickly. Let’s take a closer look at Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

By |2022-08-21T19:36:49+00:00September 7th, 2022|bankruptcy|

Is it Ethical to File for Bankruptcy?

There are several reasons someone may be reluctant to file for bankruptcy. Some people might feel shame and think that people will judge them, and others may not realize just how perilous their situation has become. But for many, their reluctance is based on a more fundamental question - is filing for bankruptcy a moral choice?

By |2022-08-21T19:21:57+00:00August 22nd, 2022|bankruptcy|

Can the Bankruptcy Trustee Take My Tax Refund?

Since tax season just ended and people should be receiving their refunds, we decided to address one of the most popular questions asked around this time each year. “If I am eligible for a tax refund, but I filed for bankruptcy, can I keep the refund when it arrives?

By |2022-06-15T14:03:08+00:00June 24th, 2022|bankruptcy|